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Datacard SR200 Printer

Giá: Call

Mã SP: Datacard SR200

Tính năng:

• Datacard SR200 Printer
• Manufacturer : Datacard
• Model : SR200
• Impress cardholders with personalized, vibrant cards printed right to the edge
• Issue durable cards that last and help prevent card counterfeiting and alteration
• Improve issuance programs with reliable, intuitive technology

Datacard SR200 Printer

Máy in thẻ nhựa Datacard SR300

Giá: Call

Mã SP: SR300

Tính năng:

Print method:
Dye sublimation retransfer
Print resolution:
300 dots per inch (11.8 dots/mm)
Printer drivers:
Microsoft® Windows® XP, 2000 and Windows Vista® operating systems
Printable area:
Full-bleed, over-the-edge
Print speed:
Prints four-color, one-sided card in 40 seconds
Lamination transfer speed:
36 seconds

Máy in thẻ nhựa Datacard SR300

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